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Do You Think Paternity Leave Need Extra Applause?

Do we need to applaud paternity leave more? Or let's normalize it!

Twitter CEO Parag Agarwal recently announced his paternity leave for the next few weeks to welcome his second child. Social media was flooded with messages of applauds for his decision.

I admire it too, but does it require applause? Shouldn't it be a 'normal' thing? Do women get applauded when they decide to take maternity leave? Or when they have to leave their job or career temporarily or permanently to give time to their child and family?

Isn't this high time we normalize it?

father and child

Pregnancy in itself is difficult, delivery, and postpartum even more. A woman requires the most help and care during her postpartum period. The assistance and presence of a husband are important not only to her but also to build the foundation of the child-father bond.

A mother is expected to use maternity leave to take better care of the child, shouldn't it apply to both the parents? Is the newborn baby the sole responsibility of the mother?

Photographs and videos are being posted where new fathers change the diapers of their babies or feed them or bathe them, and social media is going gaga over it. Is this praise really necessary? No one cheers and lauds the new mothers when they do the same things an infinite number of times. Shouldn't fathers who take care of their children be treated as 'normal'?

It's time to change this perspective. It's time to voice this out. It's time to bring the change.

Companies on their end should encourage people to take paternity leave by giving them suitable options. In most countries, there aren't any paid mandatory paternity leaves. Even unpaid leaves is hard to avail for willing fathers. It's profitable for the business too, as they are more content and have a better focus.

New fathers on the other end shouldn't expect to be told to take care of their children. Everyone expects a mother to do her job from day one; that too, with utmost perfection. Then why should a father's responsibility be any different? They both are parents, right?

Paternity leave will not only allow the father to bond with their newborn baby. But also become considerate towards the new mother as they go through the hardship of managing the new responsibility together. They understand how tedious the process can be, and it makes them help and look after the new mother.

It promotes better mental and physical health for them and enables them to get back to work early.

Let's normalize PATERNITY LEAVE!



Share your views on whether there should be a mandatory paternity leave to take care of the newborn baby or not?

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Abida Shabbir


Hey! I am Abida, a banker by profession and a passionate blogger at heart. I am the creator of our lifestyle blogs.

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