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How Planned Study Sessions Help to Gain More in Less time

Study plan helps children to create accountability and learn time management skills, so they can effectively learn and accomplish tasks in the given time.

As children move to higher classes, they need to cover a lot in a limited time. Teaching them early to study keeping study goals in mind prepares them for long runs. Bedside, it encourages them to take ownership of their study.

By applying these tips, your child can make the most of their study sessions.

Tips to Plan study Sessions

How to plan a study session?

What are you going to study? Be specific.

Identify what all you need to study and how much expected time you need to finish each task.

Be realistic. Do not assign yourself something which looks good only on paper. Plan based on what seems rational.

I have 12 chapters to finish. I need 24 hours to complete.

Be specific for each day’s task.

"Today I am going to solve linear problems."

"I will solve 20 problems of Gravity."

Plan, break and spread:

Plan, what are you going to study in a week’s time. Let’s say you need to spend six hours to complete a topic in math and another six hours to finish a topic in chemistry.

Then each day spends one hour on math and another one hour on chemistry for next, six days, the seventh day, give a break.

Spread six hours over a week.

Also, mix up topics for learning because research[1] shows that mixing tasks and topics is a better bet.

Space out study sessions and mix:

Spacing out study sessions over a longer period of time improves long-term memory.[2]

Avoid cramming your full study session in one go. Sitting down and trying to concentrate on one thing for as long as you can stand is not an ideal way.

When you give spacing, you learn, forget, and relearn this helps the brain cement the new information for the long-term.

Give rest in between:

Mind need to rest to work well. Give planned breaks in between.

Before starting up another topic give a break and then come back again.

Also, for large topics follow it with a night sleep to come fresh next day.

You need rest for better attention and retention.

Study for 20- 30 min, take a break for 5-10 min, and then come back and start again.

Because attention start wandering after 30 minutes, so better give a break and come back.

Try using Pomodoro Technique- It’s simple and works like this:

• Study for 20-30 minutes

• Take a break for 5-10 minutes

• Repeat the cycle 3-4 times

• Take a longer break

You can also use a Pomodoro Timer.

Choose a time when information is fresh in your mind:

After finishing class, the topic stays fresh in the mind. Immediate revision moves it from your short-term memory to long-term memory. That’s why revision plays a crucial role. Later, you don’t have to work extra hard to remember what was taught.

Fix a time and follow a schedule:

Sit for study at a fixed time, with a clear, specific goal in mind to achieve.

"Today I am going to finish 5 exercises of this chapter.’"

Now the brain is prepared, ‘this time I have to do this task’, so it poses less resistance.

It usually takes 30 days to establish a habit.

Try to use the time in between:

When you are running short of time, try to use in between time, to compensate for the lost time.

Say, you missed out your study session for some unseen reason, then try to accommodate at any other given time. It could be your break period or any extra time you get.

Avoid skipping routine:

Stay disciplined to your routine. Initially you find it tough, later you will realise that you could easily follow if you stay consistent.

Include unscheduled time:

While making a schedule, keep room for a little flexibility, unscheduled time, socialising and fun time. Without giving yourself flexibility, there are chances of you not following the schedule.

Check out tools:

You can also check out tools for schedule planning like a calendar app, My Study Planner, myHomework.

[1] [2]

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